About me

Hi there!

Thank you for visiting my website and for taking the time to browse around. Just have a look at the different templates, start downloading them and customize them yourself. If you have any questions regarding the downloading or editing procedure, just send me a message (see below).
So, if you are wondering who I am, let me tell you something about myself. I’m 34 years old and together with my son and husband I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We got married in September 2015 in the South of France, it was a beautiful day with all of our friends and family!
In the run-up to the wedding, I found it difficult to find the right (free!) designs for the invitation, the save the dates and the menu’s. In March 2017 I gave birth to a lovely baby-boy and again, I found it difficult to find the right designs for the birth announcements.
As I was on maternity leave, I decided to dig deeper in the world of templates and started creating them myself. Hopefully you will find the right design that suits your preferences, if not, please let me know and I will have a look at it!
No worries, there’s no catch, the templates are really free of charge. And if you really want to do something in return: just let your friends and family know where you got the lovely design for your wedding invitation, birth announcement or dinner invitation. That’s all!

Bisous, kisses,


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