Templates and printables

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How it works

Temploola offers high quality templates (as seen on Etsy). Easily adjusted to your wishes. Just follow these steps:
Download free template
Modify in Word
Print… that’s it!
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See how easy it is to make changes to our free templates.

modify to your wishes

Wedding Invitations

wedding invitation with flowers

Looking for an original wedding invitation? Here you will find multiple designs, e.g. bohemian, festival, summer, autumn, winter, spring, classic, etc. And don’t forget to have a look at the save-the-date and RSVP pages! You can combine any one of them.


Black and white save the date for a wedding

Want to send your guests a save-the-date before sending out the real invitations? Have a look at the different templates, with every save-the-date, there is a corresponding invite and RSVP card. Quickly have a look!

Wedding RSVP’s

Wedding RSVP template with a tropical flamingo

Of course you would like to know how many people will be attending your wedding. Just use the lovely RSVP cards to accompany the invitation. Do not forget to include the address people should send the RSVP to!


Resume template for Word with blue and grey

Want to stand out from the crowd with your resume to find that dream job you want sooo bad? Have a look a the resume templates here at Temploola. Just fill-in your personal information, skills, etc. and you are all set to go!

Business Cards

business card template with mint green and grey colors

Make sure people don’t forget you after you had a meeting with them. With these business card templates, you can easily make your own business cards, all adjusted to your business and preferences. Give them something they don’t easily forget!


simple invoice template

Also you have to pay your bills, so wouldn’t it be convenient that your customers pay you on time. Try to stand out from the crowd with these invoice templates. Make sure you don’t end up at the bottom of that big pile of invoices.

Weekly Planners

Pink weekly planner printable

Having a hard time managing your time as efficient as possible? Please download one of our weekly planner printables, they are easy to download and print. Never forget an appointment again!

Birth Announcements

Birth announcement template for girl with a car

Are you pregnant and looking for some really nice and affordable baby birth announcements? Have a look at our portfolio, we offer several different designs and they are all really adorable!

Dedication Certificates

baby dedication certificate black and white

Such a wonderful moment, you are dedicating your child to the Lord. You will be raising your child under God’s grace and wisdom. And what better way to make this official than using one of these beautiful Baby Dedication Certificates.

Business plans

Cover page and words of founder page of business plan with green colors

Always dreamt of starting your own company? Have a look at these wonderful and easy to use business plan templates for Word. Edit the information and make sure you’ll get those investors you need!

Powerpoint Templates

Powerpoint template with banana leafs creative

Looking for an original Powerpoint Presentation template for free? Check out this page! You will definitely stand out from the crowd and it won’t cost you a thing, except some time to edit the presentation. Happy presenting!

Actions Plans

Action plan in PDF printable

A lot of tasks to complete in one day? Make use of one our action plan templates. Download and print the template and start writing down your to-do list. Or maybe the to-do list for the children. It’s really easy!

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Your templates are so refreshing and keep me on top of my schedule! Please make more presentation templates because the one I downloaded was really awesome and I can’t wait for more to come out! I absolutely loved it!

Lisa van Werven

I got engaged last year, but our wedding is going to be ‘on a shoestring’. The wedding invitation templates of Temploola are the best! Even my fiancé is a huge fan :D!

Lisa van Werven
Suzie Christopher

When I was looking for a job, my friend recommended Temploola. I picked one beautiful resume template. At each interview they mentioned how original it was.

Suzie Christopher

I was looking for hours for a nice template until I found your page – this is amazing! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!


modify to your wishes

You are a designer now

Temploola helps you to create the most dazzling designs without having professional designer skills.

My secret: I create templates in Microsoft Word.
All free of charge. All easy to edit. Start now!
How it works