Free Christmas Party invitation templates
Want to invite friends and family over for a traditional Christmas dinner or a Snowball fight? Check out the templates!
Free download
Easy-to-edit Word document (.docx)
Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!
When are you going to send out the invitations?
Christmas time is always a busy time for a lot of people, so don’t wait too long sending out the invites! Two to three weeks upfront will be a good time to send them out by post or by e-mail. The templates offered here at Temploola are all in Microsfot Word, but of course you can save them as PDF-file. Easy for you to send them via e-mail (instead of printing them). It will save you at least a post stamp and it will save many trees!
Find your favorite christmas invitation template now. They’re ready to use.
Let's go!Some tips for throwing a Christmas party
Allright, so you are hosting a Christmas party, you have send out the invitations and everybody is getting really excited. Except you…. you are stressing out!
NO NEED! Here you’ll find some tips to make sure you won’t stress out:
Send out the invitations on time (check the section above)
Delegate – make sure everybody brings along a snack or dish (try to make sure nobody brings along the same snack or dish)
Plan on Games – people love games! Make sure you’ll have them prepared prior to the party
Make some nice gifts for your guests and place them next to their plate, they don’t have to be expensive!
Create a perfectly dressed table – mix and mitch, as long as it looks bright and colorful
Think of a menu that can be prepared ahead – so you will be able to join your guests whilst playing the games
What else to think about?
Relax and ENJOY! It’s also YOUR party! So make sure you’ll enjoy it to the fullest! Nobody will notice that you forgot a decoration or your roast was a little overcooked! But what everyone will remember the fun and the laughter! And that’s what counts! Ho ho ho, Merry Christmast!